IT4 Innovations National Supercomputing Center
IT4 Innovations operates three supercomputers – Karolina, NVIDIA DGX-2 and Barbora.
The Karolina supercomputer, acquired as part of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, was the most powerful supercomputer in the Czech Republic on the year of its installation, 69th in the world (on the TOP500 list), and ranked 8th in the Green500 ranking of the most energy-efficient supercomputers.
The key research areas of IT4Innovations include big data processing and analysis, machine learning, development of parallel scalable algorithms, solution of computationally demanding engineering problems, advanced visualization, virtual reality, modelling for nanotechnologies, and material design.
Within grant competitions, the computer capacities of the systems operated by IT4Innovations are available to the whole scientific community of the Czech Republic. Scientists from both Czech universities and prestigious scientific centres work in Ostrava.
IT4Innovation also cooperates with industrial enterprises, earning IT4Innovation the status of the Digital Innovation Hub registered at the European Commission level and is a member of DIHnet EU, the European network of digital innovation hubs.
IT4Innovations is also a research centre with strong international links. The crucial topics of the IT4Innovations research include the processing and analysis of extensive data, machine-assisted learning, development of parallel scalable algorithms, solving difficult engineering tasks, and modelling for nanotechnologies.